Our Funds
Accelerating the Energy Transition
We aim to capitalise on the transformational changes occurring in the global energy sector with the disruptions resulting in winners and losers. The energy transition is likely to be the largest peace time investment programme the world has ever seen – we estimate on average 5% of global GDP over the next 30 years. The current themes focusing around the rapid growth in renewables, the electrification trend and the technology revolution.
The investment team uses a fundamental research driven investment approach, combining top-down and bottom-up analysis. On a macro level, the team looks to identify key industry, technology and regulatory trends and assess how these affect sub-sectors and regions. On a micro level, the team assesses company-specific outlooks with a focus on competitiveness, management and financial outlook.
Global Equities
CLEAN is a global long only ESG equity fund. The portfolio is typically concentrated, with between 15 to 25 positions. The investment horizon is usually between 1 to 3 years. The fund excludes coal, oil and gas extraction companies, and is subject to a rigorous ESG analysis.
Global Equities & Commodities
Energy Dynamics is a global long / short equity fund that invests primarily in equity and the equity-related securities of global energy and energy-linked companies. The fund also has the ability to invest in commodities. The investment horizon is typically between 6 to 24 months.